Episode 7: Spaced Out

Canadian astronaut Bjarni and son Mike Tryggvason by their aerobatic aircraft at the Jet Aircraft Museum open house
Canadian astronaut Bjarni and son Mike Tryggvason by their aerobatic aircraft at the Jet Aircraft Museum open house


Upcoming Events

  • Jet Aircraft Museum Cash and Dream Flights lottery calendars
    Calendar sales used to support JAM restorations. Check out the JAM website for more information.

Also in this episode:

A Canadian astronaut talks about being in space and the future of spaceflight

Danny caught up with Bjarni Tryggvason and asked him about his favorite space memories.  They also talk about the future of people carrying spaceships.

The Legend of Bill Barilko

Chris explores the legend of Bill Barilko; a Toronto Maple Leaf player who won the Leafs the cup (in overtime).  Find out why the Leafs are a sure bet to win again this year.

Wrap up

We are now on iTunes! Check out the link on the right of this page to get hooked up.

Thank you to Danny’s mom and everyone else who has taken the time to tweet or write to the show. We always love hearing feedback and look forward to making improvements to the show and website over time. We love aviation and want to share that with you. Thank you and stay tuned!

Follow us on Twitter @ClearedEnRoute or send us an email at podcast@clearedenroute.com. Questions, comments and suggestions are always welcomed!

Opening and closing music is Dolphin’s Day by Robert Walker

Episode 5: Most of Canada looks like this…

deHaviland DHC2 Beaver at the 2011 Waterloo Air Show
deHaviland DHC2 Beaver on static display at the 2011 Waterloo Air Show


Upcoming Events

Also on this episode:

Chris interviews Edward Gee from Viking Air

Edward Gee is Product Support Manager for Viking Air in British Columbia.  Viking Air has assumed responsibility for seven of the eight original de Havilland type certificates.  Hear about how they went from a service provider to aircraft manufacturer and hear about the future of de Havilland, now Viking’s, aircraft.

Cleared En Route History of Canadian Aviation: Bush Flying

Chris explores the history of aviation in Canadian forests.  Not surprisingly, given the vast amount of hinterland possessed by Canada, a lot of aviation firsts took place because of bush flying.  Hear about some special aircraft and some of the people behind bush flying during this installment of the History of Canadian Aviation.

Wrap up

If you want to follow the ROSAT satellite as it reenters the atmosphere check it on twitter @ROSAT_Reentry.

We are now on iTunes! Check out the link on the right of this page to get hooked up.

Thank you to everyone, including Chris’ mom,  who’ve taken the time to tweet or write to the show. We always love hearing feedback and look forward to making improvements to the show and website over time. We love aviation and want to share that with you. Thank you and stay tuned!

Also, please do not forget to check out the Canadian Air & Space Museum Special Episode. The Museum is fighting for it’s life and to preserve important pieces of Canadian history. Find out what you can do to help by heading over to our Help the CASM page or by heading over to the Museum’s site for the latest news.

Follow us on Twitter @ClearedEnRoute or send us an email at podcast@clearedenroute.com. Questions, comments and suggestions are always welcomed!

Opening and closing music is Dolphin’s Day by Robert Walker

Episode 4: Shooting Silver Stars

A restored CT133 back from its maiden flight at the Jet Aircraft Museum in London, Ontario
A restored CT133 back from its maiden flight at the Jet Aircraft Museum in London, Ontario


Upcoming Events

  • 53rd annual fly day – Saturday October 1st, 2011
    Ottawa, On. Oct. 1 – More Information
  • Aviation Stories – Lt. Col. William Barker
    Canadian Air & Space Museum, Downsview, On Oct. 7 – More Information

Doors Open London: Jet Aircraft Museum Fly Day

Danny recaps his day in London, Ontario checking out the first flight of a newly restored T-33.

Cleared En Route History of Canadian Aviation: CT-133 Silver Star

Chris explores the history and continuing legacy of the Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star and its canuck cousin the Canadair CT-133 Silver Star.

Cleared En Route Top Plane Confirmed!

Given that there was no objection to the nomination of the Canadair CT-114 Tutor since the last show we proudly confirm this aircraft as one of Canada’s Top Planes. For a listing of all the Top Planes (confirmed or nominated) head over to the Top Planes Hall of Fame. If you have a plane which you think to be deserving of this designation, please contact us to let us know.

Wrap up

We are now on iTunes! Check out the link on the right of this page to get hooked up.

Thank you to Ryan and Jim and the others who’ve taken the time to tweet or write to the show. We always love hearing feedback and look forward to making improvements to the show and website over time. We love aviation and want to share that with you. Thank you and stay tuned!

Also, please do not forget to check out the Canadian Air & Space Museum Special Episode. The Museum is fighting for it’s life and to preserve important pieces of Canadian history. Find out what you can do to help by heading over to our Help the CASM page or by heading over to the Museum’s site for the latest news.

Follow us on Twitter @ClearedEnRoute or send us an email at podcast@clearedenroute.com. Questions, comments and suggestions are always welcomed!

Opening and closing music is Dolphin’s Day by Robert Walker

Episode Special: Canadian Air & Space Museum

Recently the Canadian Air & Space Museum in Downsview Park has been evicted by park management.  As the museum works to save its home at 65 Carl Hall Road we take a look at the history which has taken place on the site.  We also take a look at some of the unique exhibits found in the museum.  Find out what exhibits you can’t seen anywhere else but the Canadian Air and Space Museum.

No video this week as we traded that labour budget for this extra special episode. Videos will resume next Sunday (new and improved without those darned titles FROM CANADA).

Check back Wednesday the 28th for Episode #4.

Follow us on Twitter @ClearedEnRoute or send us an email at podcast@clearedenroute.com. Questions, comments and suggestions are always welcomed!

Opening and closing music is Dolphin’s Day by Robert Walker